Friday, May 1, 2009

The Renaissance Era Costumes

Step back 400 years to a time of romance. The Dark Ages are done. You're transported back to a magical world of medieval knights, dragons and jesters. You're transported back to the historical age of the Renaissance Era (1450-1600).

Clothing during the Renaissance Era always reflected the social status of the person wearing it. The noble women dressed gracefully with a sense of romance and elegance. Sleeves were puffed and necklines were adorned with high-standing collars with delicate lace. Men's fashions became square in cut and elaborately trimmed. Children older than three dressed identical to the adults.

The Renaissance Era costumes are extremely popular with adults during the Halloween season. What better way to turn heads than to walk into a costume party as a historic couple of nobility from the Elizabethan times. And their not just for Halloween anymore; many school plays and theater performances are also looking for that perfect Renaissance look and finding them at costume stores online. However, right now is the perfect time to pick up a Renaissance costume whether it be a Nobleman, a Maiden Princess, a pheasant, or a Renaissance Monk because the Renaissance Faires are popping up all over the country for the summer months.

If you get a chance, you have to go to a Renaissance Faire. Between the stages the streets are lined with little shops where independent artists and vendors sell their beautiful handmade goods. All the actors wear the most amazing period costumes and speak using the vocabulary and accents of the time.

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