Monday, May 11, 2009

Medieval Siege

There are many myths and legends surrounding medieval castle sieges. Knight in shining armor riding up to the castle, doing hand to hand combat. The announcement was the castle to surrender. The first is not to attack the castle at all - just about the castle in full use, and throughout the country. The second is the direct attack or siege of the castle. Mangonels stone throwing attack on the towers and walls every day. The walls of the castles would hopefully be breached, and towers damaged. The enemy erected wooden towers called bell tower, which is bigger than the castle to hide, so that men bow to shoot arrows into the castle.

For mining, anti-mining tunnels could be dug by the soldiers castle, which insured a ferocious hand-to-hand combat of the Subway. Within the castle, the guards would make a pot of water near the castle towers and walls. Then the Bailey is attacked, and more men killed. The annexe building with hay and grain for the castle burned. Meanwhile it is managed, of miners in the collapse of a wall of the castle. The defenders of the castle will be forced to surrender as the castle is for the enemy.

The third method, called the siege, the enemy to wait and starve the castle garrison into surrender. Sometimes the enemy would be dead animals in the park, in the hope of spreading diseases. And sometimes the lord of the castle would be dead animals outside his castle, the enemy had enough supplies for a siege months.

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