Monday, July 6, 2009

Medieval Ladies Closet

In the medieval times, they actually did not have closets. Women in the middle ages wore a garment as smock, later renamed the chemise by the Normans, the French for the shirt. She ran a piece on the ankles and has long sleeves, in the time shortened in length and sleeves. It was often a thin layer of fine linen or silk material. She would not wear panties under the chemise. Historians are unsure if the women wore stays (corset maker) in the early medieval days or not.

We know that stays or corsets were worn later and still be worn, although not part of the way women. They were very popular in the Elizabeth age and the Regency and Victorian periods. Corsets were made of linen stiffened with busk manufactured from wood or whalebone. The pain is beauty, and for some women, it was painful to live. It was an under-skirt that is attached to the corset laces.

The strength depends on the skirts worn by women and the weather. Since the dresses of the women said that the enlarged petticoats to have. It was not unusual for a woman to wear three kinds of petticoat skirts. The under-dress was a kirtle and would benefit from the over-dress or tunic. Sometimes the over-tunic for him was split to the knee or hip to under-garment.

Sleeves were long. In very early Middle Ages, 1100 - 1216 or so, sleeves are wide and was lower if they are a closer fit at the wrist. In 1400, long sleeves hang back with a vengeance. From 1460, take your seat belt lower or higher fashion, depending on your clothes. The bodice of her dress to bejeweled or decorative buttons. It was equipped. Collars changed over the centuries.

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