Friday, September 11, 2009

Renaissance History And Costume

There is much debate about when it comes to the definition of the term comes with precision. Some scholars believe it began in the twelfth century, but most agree that the beginning is best described as the fall of Constantinople in 1453, or by the discovery of America in 1492 for the purposes of this article, we only agree that the Renaissance at the end of the fifteenth century began.

The style of the individual European court was strongly influenced by religion, have seen the kings of the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V and his wife Isabella of Portugal, can be seen wearing much more sober clothing than Protestant king Henry VIII for example. There were hundreds of courts throughout Europe, was every prince, duke, count or marquis not surrounded at the Royal Court by a judge of its own. Outside the castle, and of course the whole country were most people: artisans and farmers due to their isolation and poverty was not really much attention to fashion. I would just briefly about it in the second part of this theme in Renaissance clothing with a reduction in call variation, the rich and the great outfits.

But we go back to Renaissance fairs. In general, a village rebuilt and is located in a specific country and time. Each scholarship is a little different, but most of them in the sixteenth century in England as a carrier based (there was a French Renaissance festival in the Midwest this year in St. Louis, but it was earlier in the season, unfortunately). What bothers me most when I have to a renaissance fair that all styles from different countries and periods combined, not to mention the presence of pirates and barbarians.

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