Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Renaissance Pirate Costume for Men

The Renaissance Pirate costume has in popularity in recent years, especially since the release of "Pirates of the Caribbean" movies. They have always been an integral part of the Halloween parties and Renaissance fairs, but if people like Johnny Depp and Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones, the clothes we seemed inundated with pirates.

Sir Francis Drake may or may not have the ladies swoon over him, like Jack Sparrow, Johnny Depp had character, but he had the full support of Queen Elizabeth, and when better to a pirate in the Renaissance period, it is sure you have on your neck. Thus, a pirate costume look bad is a Renaissance master.

Weapons - The must have weapon is a sword. Next, a dagger or two strategically placed around the band and maybe a stuffed down the boat. Let us ensure that they are not sharpened steel blades. Real blood in the party is a real buzz kill! If you think you could add a more fire-power rifle gun on the wooden kind can.

Hat - If you are not the master or? If you master, you need a hat that corresponds to your level. Big edge to thrive with a small, perhaps a worn spring ... not new, because you are on the path of drag queen.

If you are a member of the crew make it a snuggly scarf tied to the head. A red or black. Try to stay away from the flag or the confederate stars and stripes.

The rest of the pirate costume is a matter of taste, or how much money you want to keep their authenticity. There are sites online sale some beautiful costumes that can be the museum quality of the borderline type fabrics and accessories. Then there is the Halloween race, which can look just as good, but some substance that could not be time charge, but what the guys at work did it!

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