Friday, March 13, 2009

Medieval Costume

Medieval clothing begins with the fall of the Roman Empire in 476 AD. It is the transition from classical to medieval clothes. Both sexes of the upper class were a tunic as the basic garment. Men wore trousers or long pants, a tunic with silk and colorful border, and a jacket. Women wore a long coat over his head and a super tunic word. The super-tunic had some designs on the neck, sleeves and zoom. The body was usually in full length and had a cloth veil for her.

Many of the clothes in that time his style to Spain and France. After the Crusades started, women began to wear silk, satin, damask, brocade and velvet ate. They were brighter colors and more detailed weaves. This was the time, the wood-block print, and buttons are used in many garments. Even if the fitting tunic was the basis for the clothing of both sexes in this period, the accessories, the outfits. Many women and men wore clothing with embellishments such as jewels, embroidery added, and fur. This was also the time when wool or linen hose was trousers. You could say that the difference in the class about how a man cut his trousers.

This close lacing was a woman and girdled hips. Men's medieval clothing in the following period. The length and the abundance of clothing would change. The three times include Early Medieval, Late Medieval (pre-gothic), and Late Medieval (gothic) times.

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