Wednesday, March 25, 2009

How Medieval Shields Identified Various Armies on the Battlefield

During the Middle Ages, soldiers and mercenaries colors depending on medieval armor and shields to give them additional protection in battle. Kite shields were usually as protection in the beginning of the Middle Ages, when many soldiers were only in the chain mail armor.
Heating shields were often used by soldiers, who also rode on a horse.

Buckler end shields are small enough that a soldier hanging from a belt (hence the name), and they are the most effective conversage in hand to hand combat situations.
Pavise shields were larger and for the Archers as a form of protection if they do not dismiss their bows and arrows.
Targ shields which have their origin in Scotland, with Gaelic clans actually round, unlike other medieval shields above.

Given the proximity in which armies fought, medieval shields, the tradition of the Roman legions. The Romans have the symbol of their legions on the shields of the soldiers, soldiers, there may be a long or very short distance. This has led to a reduction in the number of injuries caused by friendly fire, so to say, as soldiers helped in the fight quickly interact with their own departments.

In this case, the decoration of the medieval shields were often derived from plants or animals, and the colors yellow, white, red, blue, black and green are the most common. Soldiers of fortune, on the other side, which is allied with a local lord for a fee, often decorated their shields with their medieval weapons as the pride.

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